phobias - spider


During the hypnotherapy for phobias session, it will be explained why fear is a natural emotion that protects people from harm when they face real and imminent danger. A phobia is an excessive fear or anxiety related to specific objects or situations that are out of proportion to the actual danger they present.

heights phobiaMost people have things that they are fearful of, but when our fears start to impact our day-to-day life, they must be dealt with. Simple things like driving, shopping or stepping on a plane can be affected if we don’t get our fearful thoughts under control.

Your fears can grow more intense over time if not dealt with and if like most people, phobias become a serious obstacle to overcome in your career, relationships and daily life. But all this is not your fault. These irrational thoughts are influenced by your subconscious mind, that you do not yet know how to control. It’s when you learn to break these patterns that you can finally reprogramme your behaviour and take back full control of your life.

During hypnosis, the subconscious can make you aware of a past event that you didn’t even know was causing your phobia. This awareness allows you to consciously re-evaluate the experience. Tools and techniques used during hypnotherapy can transform your subconscious patterns and eradicate negative thoughts. You can find a solution that allows you to live a normal life free of limitations. You’ll reprogramme subconscious triggers that send you into fight, flight freeze.

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Does Hypnotherapy Work for Phobias?

Phobias can be treated successfully with just one session of hypnosis. You are able to change unfavourable thoughts and actions with the help of hypnotherapy, using suggestions and making you more self-aware. Hypnotherapy can help alleviate symptoms for some people who suffer from phobias, including both specific phobias and non-specific phobias.




How Many Hypnotherapy Sessions are needed for phobia?

This will depend on the individual, how long they have had the phobia and to what extend it is affecting their life. I have seen clients achieve massive change in just one session. If the phobia started in response to a stressful or traumatic event and the client is still going to be in the same environment, sometimes it may require two or three sessions of hypnosis.

Can Phobias Be Cured?

Using hypnotherapy and other techniques, a client can find relief from a phobia. Some clients will never ever have a problem again whilst others may find a lessoning of the symptoms, enough so that they can enjoy their life again.

How Do You Treat Yourself for Phobias?

Some techniques, for example Exposure Therapy, involves changing your response to the object or situation that you fear. This involves facing the fear head on and not running away or avoiding. This can be done with a therapist, or if your phobia is not severe, you could try the technique with a trusted friend or family member, using relaxation or breathing techniques which can easily be found when doing a web search.

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