Anxiety can manifest in different ways.

  1. Excessive worry or fear about everyday situations or events
  2. Restlessness, irritability, or feeling on edge
  3. Fatigue or difficulty sleeping
  4. Difficulty concentrating or focusing
  5. Muscle tension or physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking, or rapid heartbeat
  6. Avoiding situations that may trigger anxiety
  7. Panic attacks or a feeling of impending doom
  8. Obsessive or compulsive behaviours
  9. Social anxiety or fear of being judged by othersPerfectionism or a need for control.

Hypnotherapy is a type of complementary therapy that uses hypnosis to help people access their unconscious mind and change their thoughts, behaviours, and feelings. Hypnotherapy can be effective in treating anxiety because it can help individuals achieve a state of deep relaxation and access the subconscious mind to identify and address the root causes of their anxiety.

Here are a few ways in which hypnotherapy can help with anxiety:

  1. Relaxation: Hypnotherapy can help individuals achieve a state of deep relaxation, which can reduce stress and anxiety.
  2. Addressing underlying causes: Hypnotherapy can help individuals identify and address the underlying causes of their anxiety, such as past trauma, negative thought patterns, or limiting beliefs.
  3. Coping strategies: Hypnotherapy can help individuals develop coping strategies for managing anxiety, such as visualisation techniques, self-hypnosis, or positive affirmations.
  4. Cognitive restructuring: Hypnotherapy can help individuals change negative thought patterns and reframe their thinking to reduce anxiety and increase self-esteem.

What happens in a hypnosis session for anxiety?

Hypnosis is a technique that is sometimes used to help manage anxiety. During a hypnosis session for anxiety, the individual is guided into a relaxed and focused state, which can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

Here’s what typically happens during a hypnosis session for anxiety:

  1. Preparation: The hypnotherapist will typically start by talking with the individual about their anxiety and identifying the specific symptoms they are experiencing. They may also discuss any underlying causes or triggers for the anxiety.
  2. Induction: The hypnotherapist will guide the individual into a state of deep relaxation using a variety of techniques, such as progressive relaxation or guided imagery. This can help the individual to feel more calm and centered.
  3. Suggestion: Once the individual is in a hypnotic state, the hypnotherapist may offer suggestions to help them manage their anxiety more effectively. These suggestions might include visualising a calming scene, repeating positive affirmations, or imagining a future scenario in which they feel confident and in control.
  4. Emergence: At the end of the session, the hypnotherapist will gradually guide the individual back to a normal waking state. They may also discuss any insights or experiences that came up during the session, and provide guidance on how to continue managing anxiety in daily life.

If you would like to read further about how hypnosis can help with anxiety, please click here.


Lindsay xxx